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I typically use Mac, Windows and iOS devices. Below is some of my favorite software that runs on these platforms.

TickTick 1

Cross-platform Task list/to-do manager and simple to use. Has a nice app and nice features

Obsidian 2 📝

A very simple markdown based notes application with a vibrant plugin commnuity. If you’re intimdated by Markdown, give Bear a shot (Mac/iOS only)

Cryptomater 3 ☁️

Encrypt your cloud files. A great option to use for senstive files. Use it with Onedrive, Google Drive, etc to encrypt data. Has a nice mobile app so you can still access all your files on the go

Privacy.com 4 💳

Ever forget to cancel a free trial? Not with Privacy. Create virtual credit card numbers and set limits, like $1/month, that will decline any charge above that limit.

Signal 5 💬

Encrypted chat. WhatsApp but more secure.

Bitwarden 6 🔐

Password manager. Seriously you should use one. It doesn’t have to be this one but anything is better than using the same password or writing them on a sticky note.


  1. TickTick

  2. obsidian.md

  3. cryptomator.org/

  4. privacy.com

  5. signal.com

  6. bitwarden